Monday, October 13, 2008


Does this illusion really exist
Or is it my heart that has to resist
The pain that my piercing injection has sunken into me
Deeper and deeper as I fall to one knee
Pick me up with your hands and caress my brow
Smack my face and milk my thoughts like a cow
Lift me over your head with my thoughts of a shower
Wilt again over you like a black rose flower
Relieve my pain with another hit of that drug
Soon I will be crawling for it like a bug
Another hit for me please I cant take it
All in all I convince my self I don’t feel like shit
Pour my hands into the next pile of plaster
For my veins cant spackle any faster
Drain my blood as I caress my soul
Vomit again in that crack pipe bol
Sunny days may come and go
But my chains, my darkness, and my terror do not allow me to grow

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