Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Social Evolution

The day goes on and I lose myself in thought
Wondering how is it that we are evolved to this:

Society that allows ungoverned government actions
Society that doesn't allow ALL men to be EQUAL
Society tells us whats right and wrong through reality shows
Society that can have millions and millions of votes for "dancing stars"
But a low turnout at the Election Polls
Society in which we have advanced to getting our exercise from a video game
Society that says skeleton thin is in, and fats only good if they're funny
This is the Society in which we live in..........Are you ready for the future!!!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Am I

Am I Mexican enough for, WHO?
I can speak how you want but is it right
My worlds collide like an old street fight
Vato say it like this, Son say it like that
Sometimes I'm questioned, depending where I'm at
So I stay strong and hold my head up and say
Am I not Mexican today? Well thats according to some anyway
Don't let my education scare you
I may help you decide, in life, what to do
My answers my intrigue you and make you smarter
Or maybe even help your son become a Varsity starter
So sit and get to know me, for I can be an asset
My minds filling every day with knowledge like an ester egg basket
Just here waiting to have someone peel away at it for a taste
A taste of poverty, let down, and anything else that can go to waste
My mind can free you of all these negatives so you can prosper
And keep you questioning who's right? MexiCAN or a white philosopher?

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Don't you know why!

Into the night I run, but nothing chases me
Into the night we run, but someone said it cant be WE
Into the night she will run, but everyone says why
Into the night, but why only THEN????

Monday, October 20, 2008


Ever dance with the devil in the pale moon light?
Yes? well I don't remember you
I'm sure we have sailed across a sea of wood
Swirling you across as fast as I could
I'm sure your head sizzled across my chest
because you couldn't resist my request
I'm sure we have glared into each others eyes
And you couldn't turn away because I had you hypnotized
Hypnotized with the passion that you have lost long ago
My evil intentions work as amazing as that "can't take my eyes off of it" show
I'm sure you turned to me as a last resort and escape from your life
And like so many others I will cherish cutting you in half with my slithering knife
I'm sure you will allow me to open you up and devour your soul
So rest in peace they say, and my spirit shall devour you HOLE!!!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

She said, He said

How many times do I have to tell you?
Why are you always so bad?
Do you realize that I do this because I love you?
You know this will hurt me more than it does you?
Obviously more than once since I'm 3 and don't remember EVERYTHING
Bad??? I was just playing in the dirt, because your drugs
are too important to replace with toys.
If you loved me YOU would realize why I don't know
The sore bottom will go away, but my heart will hurt forever

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Pancho walked down the streets yesterday…..alone
He did not have a home
He wandered around with no worries
No business or hurries
He was always happy and free
Unchained like you and me
He stops me and asks…..
Adonde vas muchacho?
I look over and say "me voy a mi trabajo senor"
He laughs and says “entonces no te vas despacio o se van a matar
I say nothing and continue walking
His words stay with me lingering and stalking
Stalking me with a burning rage
I get to work the next day and close the door to my cage
Who will kill me if I’m not here
They may never even miss me, especially this year
I begin to recall the days past
And how Pancho may have turned the way he is so fast
I've listened to Pancho speak and explain his side of life
Society has made him what he is today, homeless without a wife
I wonder who's really to blame
Society? or Pancho for giving up on this game
Shot and wounded because he couldn't play fast enough
The business vultures worked harder and were just too rough
Now Pancho is wandering the streets looking for an new place to lay his head
Cold, Bitter, Homeless, Hungry, and DEAD

Monday, October 13, 2008

American Justice

Am I really guilty by association
If so then we are all fugitives in this nation
From me to you and that saint with the perfect reputation
He can be convicted with no explanation
So watch what you say and who you say it to
Because a knock at your door and the dogs are chomping at your shoe
Don’t try and run or talk your way out of it this time
For they say you were the one committing the crime
So off in your orange jump suit with your new number
Into the filth of life that has sunken you under
You may scream and plead that they got the wrong man
No ones listening because there’s a hand
A hand covering your voice and no one wants to hear
Don’t get loud they will just turn the volume down in their ear
You’re a conviction they have needed for their votes of valor and victims families
But no ones convicting you with sanity
So beg little boy and pray for another chance at your freedom
But then aging didn’t you ship YOURSELF away from another kingdom


Does this illusion really exist
Or is it my heart that has to resist
The pain that my piercing injection has sunken into me
Deeper and deeper as I fall to one knee
Pick me up with your hands and caress my brow
Smack my face and milk my thoughts like a cow
Lift me over your head with my thoughts of a shower
Wilt again over you like a black rose flower
Relieve my pain with another hit of that drug
Soon I will be crawling for it like a bug
Another hit for me please I cant take it
All in all I convince my self I don’t feel like shit
Pour my hands into the next pile of plaster
For my veins cant spackle any faster
Drain my blood as I caress my soul
Vomit again in that crack pipe bol
Sunny days may come and go
But my chains, my darkness, and my terror do not allow me to grow

Monday, October 6, 2008

Social Call

LEARNING is what they ARE here for right?
Has our society has left little to the child's imagination,
that they no longer want to use their brains,
they don't see any point in our educational system,
because, they, like many adults, see it as a joke.
A small fraction of your graduates actually graduate with the knowledge they CLAIM to have been taught and this goes for our college grads too.
We as a society have looked and searched for the next "quick fix, or answer"
and we have failed to search the most important thing out there,
self reliance and self respect,
Nowhere in the constitution does it state that we are free to hinder
Unfortunately we have accepted social misfits and like that piece of trash on the sidewalk....walked around them,
No longer do we take pride in teaching our children (as parents) the right way,
the best way or even a good way of getting things done.
Yet we have allowed this next generation to develop into
40 year old children that want everything given to them
or that feel everything SHOULD be given to them,
like it is "owed" to them.
Our freedoms that we cherish and fight for are taken fully advantage of
and society has allowed it to happen.
We see bad things happen on a daily basis
and we figure if we don't "get involved" then it's not our business.
This society used to be in total control of governing themselves,
but now we are too busy to help out.
I mean when our penal code has to make it a crime to not stop and hinder aide
you know we are in trouble.
So I say this why can't we be PROUD of who we are and what we can accomplish.
We fight other countries and take them over,
when all along they are saying why are these "idiots" coming here!!!!!