Friday, December 24, 2010

Goodbye He said

I went running through your mind and dove for the tears
I clawed my way through your chest to release all your fears
If we love like no other, then who set the bar so high
And if I cant love you like you love me why don't you say bye
Bumps from your back are what I use to climb your soul
Only to lose my grip at your brain and fall out of control
My mind send messages to you asking for help
And the love you had was already dealt
So I released myself from your embrace
And a tear kisses my cheek as I watch your disappearing face

Sunday, December 5, 2010


When your in my arms the world stops
When you smile at me my day get better
When I'm away from you I cant wait to see you
When I think of the things I have to do, I do them for you
When its time to leave you its like losing a piece of my heart
When I think of the future it makes me wonder how we will be
When I think of the love I have for you I'm content
When I think of what you will be, I pray your a better man than me
When I think.......I know how much I love you my son....Dylan!!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Are You Willing to Answer

Can you smile a rainy day away
Can you dream yourself into another world
Can you caress the passion of love
Can you make a rainbow from a drop of dew
Can you turn a cloud into anything
Can you hold me tight and feel my pain
Can you bring something to a table that doesn't exist
Can you figure me out with just one kiss
Can you fight the urge to make love
Can you accept your hearts worst desire
Can you willingly break me
Can you take what you can and can what you take
Can you not walk away and say no
Can you????????????????

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Whispering Hearts

After all this time our hearts still talk
Whispering the sweet sounds of nothing
Laughing till our stomachs hurt
Laughing till our eyes water

After all this time our hearts still talk
Expressing the little things we like
Sharing another moment in time that no one can fill
Feeling the warmth as if no winters have ever existed in our absence

After all this time our hearts still talk
Outsiders wonder why
Strangers don't understand
And with every beat the translation is clear
Because the only language our heart knows is........US

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Can I be the man you need me to be?
Can I earn your trust from everything you see?
If I plant the seeds of life will you become a better man?
If I educate you as well as my students will you be all you can?
When you ask questions will I have the answers you need?
When you beg for something will you understand I don't say no out of greed?
How will you know I can't live without you?
How will you understand that all I say is true?
Why did life seem so hard before you showed up for me?
Can? If? When? How? Why???? Challenges that are overcome by my love for you, my Dilly!!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Don't, Because I said so

As I stood there staring at the water I was scared
Knowing I had to land right in the middle, I stared
Bending my knees and thrusting forward I took a leap off the tree
Plunging towards the water I had never felt so free
In an instant I was pounding the water with my feet
Going down, down, down, ever so deep
Eyes closed I began to work my way to the surface for air
Bursting out of the water with not even on little care
This day of summer was one for the books
I had jumped from the highest branch and everyone gave me the "your cool" looks
I was on top of the world and everyone wanted to be me
But scared none could make it that high in the tree
I took this small victory and headed home
Hoping to mom this day would not be known
As she left for work that AM she said don't go anywhere
And instead I was a high flier in my underwear
I made it home and she had no clue
And I made up a lie when asked "how was your day, what you do?"
She smiled and said "sounds fun, and looks like you got sun"
Then as I walked away she says "I hope your wet shorts mean you had watering hole fun"
Shocked she knew what I had done I felt like I had taken a few stomach blows
And from that day on I kept in my mind, no matter what I do.....MAMA KNOWS!!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Long Distance Love

Our smiles used to light up a room
Our laughter was contagious
Our hearts were the envy of every passing soul
Our Love was unconditional and very much true
Our bodies were filled with passion in each others arms
Till the day I loved you too

As I walk along the clouds I watch your every move
As I fall like a shooting star its to get a closer look
As I water your garden with my tears I smile and the sun shines
As I crack my knuckles you shiver from the roar
As I blow you a kiss you shiver and hold your jacket tight
I walk alone along the clouds........As I remember your love

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Lower Education

I'm sitting today wondering about our educational system and all the problems we seem to be having as a whole. what is it that's killing our education? I believe that one of the biggest problems is the lack of education for our teachers. do you know that anyone can be a teacher now without having an actual degree in education? If you hold a degree in ANYTHING then you can challenge the teacher certification exam and if you pass....YOU CAN TEACH. I think that all the shortcuts we see our kids trying to get by with are only a product of our society. Many, many teachers are doing the same thing. I spend a lot of hours educating myself to become a productive teacher so the students are getting a quality education as I did. Why is it that our society has fallen behind so much to other countries........WORK! we don't want to do it, but be want the benefits of it all.

What about our parents, i mean OUR parents! many of us have uneducated parents that were smart enough to make sure we had an education. Smart enough to bust our asses when we weren't at school for the education that was provided. Smart enough to trust the teachers, and administrators in the education of us. Now a days we have parents that are quick to gather a lynch mob to get rid of a teacher if their kid is not getting good grades. Never mind the fact that they cant read, cant spell, cant focus because they have some add, adhd, lmnop, or some other thing that has letter to ID it. Never mind the fact that the skills these kids need in order to "problem solve", the parents have taken that away from them because they FIX all their problems. In any type of network of people in command or control there is always a chain of command from Military to the wal-mart corporation. NOT in education, if there is a problem with their kids then they don't ask the kids, the teachers, the parents head straight to the principals or higher(if they know them). Why is it that in a society built on structure it is ok for us to disregard these steps. Why is it ok now for the parents to get everything they want regardless if the stress of job insecurities are causing teachers to quit, retire early, or to have nervous breakdowns. Whens the last time a teacher called their boss and said "your employee is harassing me at work, please proved them with extra work so they are too busy to make it home to their family"

We are falling behind as a society and our melting pot has quickly become a national dump site for all the other countries that don't want their trash!!

Friday, October 22, 2010


random thoughts overtake my hands
blistering temperatures peel my eyes
does your back feel my breath?
does your neck taste my anger
another arrow piercing my arteries
another sorrow making me smile
which time would you like to forget?
which one would you like to inspect
was it the one with the open mouth
or the one that loved to go south
either way passion spills over like a penny cup
and then its limbo for you and your stuck.......

Thursday, October 21, 2010

A boy is the only thing God can use to make a Man (a plaque given to me by my mother)

All her life shes been a humble woman
Someone you could always count on
Someone you could always trust
From time to time she gets angry and frustrated
But mostly she a very loving woman
Her emotions for my and my sisters things were never left for questioning
We knew exactly how proud she was and still is of us
Going to any link to show her support
She's given us everything she could possibly give
Even those times she had nothing to give, she came up with something
A simple letter, card, or even a note that said "I wanted to send you something special, but how do you send a HUG"
So as I get older, she gets older, we get older she keeps giving all shes got
Even on days when its not a lot
A smile, or even just a phone call to say hello how are you and the others
From the bottom of my heart I say "thank you, and I love you, you are the greatest MOTHER!"

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Todays Lesson

Come closer and listen to my mind
Relax as I help you unwind
I shall teach you some basic skills and treasures
And unleash the knowledge to fill your brain's pleasures
We can go off to another galaxy and find a black hole
Or I can create a chemical reaction that gets out of control
Allow your mind to be filled with what I know
Allow your mind to be filled so it can grow
Blooming into a lovely thing for all the world to see
And when you don't understand, remember to ask who???....ME!!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

13 Things Your Child's Teacher Won't Tell You

1. If we teach small children, don’t tell us that our jobs are “so cute” and that you wish you could glue and color all day long.

2. I’m not a marriage counselor. At parent-teacher conferences, let’s stick to Dakota’s progress, not how your husband won’t help you around the house.

3. We’re sick of standardized testing and having to “teach to the test.”

4. Kids used to go out and play after school and resolve problems on their own. Now, with computers and TV, they lack the skills to communicate. They don’t know how to get past hurt feelings without telling the teacher and having her fix it.

5. When I hear a loud belch, I remember that a student’s manners are a reflection of his parents’.

6. Your child may be the center of your universe, but I have to share mine with 25 others.

7. Please help us by turning off the texting feature on your child’s phone during school hours.

8. Guys who dribble a ball for a couple of hours a game can make up to $20 million a year. We educate future leaders and make about $51,000 a year.

9. We take on the role of mother, father, psychologist, friend, and adviser every day. Plus, we’re watching for learning disabilities, issues at home, peer pressure, drug abuse, and bullying.

10. Kids dish on your secrets all the time—money, religion, politics, even Dad’s vasectomy.

11. Please, no more mugs, frames, or stuffed animals. A gift card to Starbucks or Staples would be more than enough. A thank-you note: even better.

12. We love snow days and three-day weekends as much as your kid does.

13. The students we remember are happy, respectful, and good-hearted, not necessarily the ones with the highest grades.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

You're Annoying

Screaming to release your frustration
Screaming to let go
Screaming because your happy
Screaming for show
We scream for many reasons and sometimes none
Does it help, does it make things go away or come back?
Nope, it just allows us to possibly feel better even if just for a min
It can also make others aware of our joy, sometimes miles away
We love to scream, we hate to scream, we scream to scream
So next time you feel the urge to scream.......Don’t, your probably gonna annoy someone you idiot!!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Cut Grass in September

Sounds of the locker room echo in my head
The screech of tape being wrapped around an ankle
Clicking of each helmet being fastened ready for battle
Our boys are ready for the fight of the night
All the sweat, all the pain, all the hard work
Tonight is payday
Across the field are the challengers with no names, and no faces
The sun begins to disappear, allowing the shadow of the press box to devour the field
And not it is time for the battle of guts for the glory of the Friday Night Lights

Whistles blow and bodies go flying
Fans cheer and in the distance babies are crying
Coaches yell and players grunt
Battling to make the other team punt
We all use this time to get together and enjoy the night
As sons, grandsons, or even great grandsons take on the fight
Quarters tick by with no ones favor in mind
And the halftime show ends allowing the kids to return to the grind
Back to blocking, tackling, passing, and doing what they can to win
Because the margin of victory can be very very thin
No matter who wins each side gives it all they got
But for those Seniors that lost, tonight was their last shot
So next time you see a coach or player wandering in town or the mall
Say hello and thank them for dedicating, to you the fan.....that Victory Ball!!!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

A minds tear

I speak to you and you glare at me
What is it your thinking
I show you something new and show you how it works
What is it your thinking
I express a happy and cheerful hello as you come near me
What is it your thinking
Today you might show me something new
What is it your thinking
We talk about life's new creations and technological advances
What is it your thinking
Your life has become one circle of smiles and cries
What is it your thinking
You look at me and say.......your exactly what I was thinking!!!

The One?

Reach in and help yourself to all I got
Caress my back as our bodies begin to get hot
Glare into my eyes and I will know how you feel
Looking at your skin, your clothes I begin to peel
Thread by thread exposing your beauty and soul
My nose engulfed by the scent you release for every pore and hole
I begin to taste your lovely heart
And excited I get as I begin to rip you apart
I devour your essence and the seconds go flying by
As you lay back in ecstasy and scream, WHY
Lifting you up to glare into my eyes, you lock in and your questions are gone
Because as I roar with vengeance you know that all these years I was who you were looking for...THE ONE!!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Am I here for you?

If you really knew me,

you would have said hello when I walked past your fundraiser
you would have said "YES" when I asked you out for every middle school dance
you would have told me more than I wanted to know about your childhood
you would have looked over that beer can and watched me shoot hoops
you would have remembered you told me about that mistake 3 times already
you would have taken my advise and stayed with me in Angelo
you would have allowed yourself to love me with all MY heart
you would have been the one to help that puppy, just to make me happy
you would have let me go..........

Monday, July 19, 2010

Stranger in the Dark

My stranger in the dark is gone
He showed his face a few times to me
And with a smile he disappeared again
Rumors of who he was echoed in the halls
Factoids of his travels and escapades filled my brain
Wishful thinking made me sit in the dark waiting for another glimpse
But as the phones remained silent, mailboxes empty he remained in the dark
Treasures from his work were given to us from others who had seen him
And with great joy we would devour those sweet treasures
Time moved on and eventually so would I
But that figment in the dark remained in my heart
One more peek, one more whisper, one more hug would answer my heart
But, today we say goodbye to my stranger in the dark

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Another great morning

Two months have gone by and you are getting so big
Being your father is all time favorite gig
Staring at those chubby cheeks and super cute dimples
I pray time doesn't fly by and your driving with pimples
I'm ready to enjoy your first words, steps, and day of school
But for now I hold you tight and tell you I love you as you fist pound my chest and drool
7am feedings you chow down then giggle at me as we play
In the background your ears echo The Temptations, which you will know one day
With a straining look on your face I begin to sing....."mama, oh mama oh mine...."
And your eyes are entranced with the words and lovely rhymes
Well inside that's what I'm hoping your feeling or thinking
And with that big dimpled smile you flash I can feel my heart sinking
Today Temptations, tomorrow Jackson 5
And as the time flies by your musical knowledge will be sky high

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Max the Wonder Dog

Driving you home was a joy as you sat in the front seat
You were the cutest puppy, fluffy, soft, and huge white feet
We took you in and gave you a name, MAX
Our other dogs welcomed you and licked you, I guess to help you relax
A small pack of mixed mutts was created and you had the most clout
Always so strong even that first month when, from the back yard, you got out
Neighbors called and when I went to get you "he can come play anytime" was what they would say
And as I drove you back home I thought to myself "NO WAY"
Selfish as that may be
You belonged to me
Months would pass and began to grow way bigger that the other two
And as you guys all played out back they new who was in charge...You
Every day it there was something new I found you had eaten or chewed
And if there was nothing left I sure would find out when you pooed
Sixty pounds of lap dog is what you wanted to be
And there you were curled up in the recliner with me
Always following us around so you wouldn't miss if we did something good
Or was it MAYBE because you thought we were getting up to get you food
Scraps here, scraps there you would sit so perfect and chomp with joy if a gave in
Mom always new that if you begged for some, Id always let you win
So when you got sick I laid with you as you glared at me in pain
And with every breath your life was beginning to drain
You began whining as to be letting me know the end was near
So I leaned over and whispered into your ear.............
Goodbye Max, I love you

Thursday, June 10, 2010


She scratches
She Claws
She's breathing hard
She's starting to sweat
She's grunting and moaning
She's sliding
She's using both hands because its making it better
she's begins to grind the teeth together
She's almost there
She's almost reached the top
She............FINALLY GOT HER JEANS ON!!!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Thoughts in Beginning

My world has just begun to spin
No matter what position it stops I will be the one to win
My son is now with us and wow how scared can you be
To think of all the adventures in store for you and me
Will we enjoy a walk through a overgrown riverbank
Or are we going to play army with toy solders and a tank
Will you come running to me because something scared you in your room
Making me run and chase that monster out with the broom
Will you give me the secret key to your magical kingdom built with sheets
Or will I be the dragon flying around your castle with my fire breathing cheeks
Will you want to learn to drive my car so you can be more free
And put thoughts of staying up worrying when your not home when you're supposed to be
Will you know all of your life that you are my little man
YES....because I will remind you every day and as often as I can.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Shirt of the Day

Come here little one, vamos a hablar
Let me tell you story of Los Mexicanos
You see one day back in pinche 1861 este vato, Benito Juarez said toma
He was no longer paying los gringos
So, Pierre, aka France decided to attack Mexico for their dinero
Lead by General Ignacio "nacho" Seguin los mexicanos luchado con fuerza
Eventually Defeating the 8000 Frenchmen para la tierra de Mexico
And on Cinco De Mayo 1862 Mexico had Defeated the French
Eventually Maximillian would take over Mexico and Los Estados Unidos helped
Maximilian was deposed by President Benito Juárez and executed, five years after the Battle of Puebla..........

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

They know

Tearing at my skin their claws rip at my soul
I lie and tell myself I'm always in control
Hounding my dreams they never let me forget
As I jump out of bed afraid my the sheets show where I was with my sweat
They send shivers down my spine
And I soon realize its not a shiver but them ripping my spine out one inch at a time
I beg and plea for them to end the pain and release me from this
My eyes close and like always I think of the things I'm going to miss
Just before I am devoured I gather all the strength I can
And with eyes wide shut I let go with my right then my left hand

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Time marches ON.....

In time my life has passed without any warning or alarms
My sanity has crumbled and build back up with unwilling charms
Days go by like a speeding race car with no emergency break
And moments can be as cherished as that first bite of a lovely steak
Tears of joy, tears of pain, and tears of yesterday you miss
All created by you with intentions of unforgettable bliss
Inside you coral every ounce of your charitable desires
Holding them in until its time to release them to take you higher
But that day you have decided to release what you have inside
No one will look at you the same, no one would be able to run and hide
So for now engage your thoughts with a simple dream
Just watch out for those that will make you sweat and scream

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

I will

When the wind attacks you I can be there to help
When the suns beaming down melting your every pore I can be there to refresh
When the rain is beading down on your face I can be there to shield it
When the snow freezes the tips of your fingers I can be there to circulate your blood
When nature decides to challenge the efforts I will go to to keep you safe.........I will be there to SHOW IT!!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Dylan's Coming

I lay next to you and you kick
I watch you as you stretch out as best you can
I rub you and you punch
I can feel the passion I have for you
I know life is changing
I have prepared for the day
I have played it in many ways
I cant wait.....till its WE!

Friday, January 29, 2010

The Babysitter

Cry for me if you want but I'm not listening anymore
Soak your shirt with the salty wetness because of my words
Stand in disbelief at the audacity I posses to talk to you in the way I do
Allow your mind to race of all the nasty words you want to say to me
Squint your eyes as if to be burning a hole through my authority
Is it you that shouldn't be yelled at
Is it your parents who should be bearing these chains called rules
Is it your parents who have allowed you to possess no responsibility
Is it your parents who have created this small pile of human destruction
Is it your parents who have made excuses and reasons for your problems
Is it your parents who have made sure that discipline is a foreign language
Was it your teacher, a.k.a. The Babysitter?

Saturday, January 2, 2010

To the next 12 months

As another year dawns upon us we begin to re-evaluate our lives.
New years resolutions that will last about a month then go idle till next year.
Thoughts of the future or if there will actually be one.
My days begin to fill with thoughts about my family and its future.
In this new year my family will become one larger that last year.
A new life will soon help mold the rest of mine.
New ways to express joy, worry, and pain.
But all are feelings that come after a long wait.
My future now only holds the life I have created again.
My future now only turns because of the life I have created again.
My future now is only there, with eyes wide shut.