Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Dia De Un Reyes

Another year passes by and we age
Leaving behind another year full of happiness and rage
You have poetic rage towards life
Causing your poetry to cut like a knife
Your wisdom is more than anyone I've ever known
And my love for you is more than can ever be shown
I have over time held you at my highest standard and praise
For this strong boy into a man you helped raise
Forever the cigar smell will remind me of being a little boy
And those crazy car rides after school, oh what joy
Time after time you were there to take care of my needs
Even when I got poison ivy from walking in the weeds
I thank you for always being there for me when it counted
Especially when my lifes pressures mounted
Today is the day of the Kings as you know
But I celebrate it as your birthday, for the man that helped me grow

1 comment:

RC said...

Got your text message,Jake.And thank you so much for the poem.And a good man you have grown to be,may you always strive for justice,and the goodness of humanity.