Tuesday, January 20, 2009

And in he walked.....

With eyes slightly opened as the sun beams down
A man walked into our lives with pride in his heart
He stood there ensuring us that we shall not fear
We should not place danger onto ourselves anymore
But, we should stand together as a NATION and fight
Fight for our hopes and dreams
That everything is possible if we live our dreams
Wasn't the dream thing accepted a while ago by another famous man
Although, he was killed before he could really help our nation
He was gunned down in broad daylight by one of his own, "or was he?"
And still to this day we pride ourselves in "living the dream"
So I say stand up and clap your hands for a man that:
Saw race as just another characteristic of a man
Believed in our great nation
Helped us accept and be accepted
Paved the way for our NEW President

I say, Thank you Mr. Kennedy
Thank You.

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