Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Don't, Because I said so

As I stood there staring at the water I was scared
Knowing I had to land right in the middle, I stared
Bending my knees and thrusting forward I took a leap off the tree
Plunging towards the water I had never felt so free
In an instant I was pounding the water with my feet
Going down, down, down, ever so deep
Eyes closed I began to work my way to the surface for air
Bursting out of the water with not even on little care
This day of summer was one for the books
I had jumped from the highest branch and everyone gave me the "your cool" looks
I was on top of the world and everyone wanted to be me
But scared none could make it that high in the tree
I took this small victory and headed home
Hoping to mom this day would not be known
As she left for work that AM she said don't go anywhere
And instead I was a high flier in my underwear
I made it home and she had no clue
And I made up a lie when asked "how was your day, what you do?"
She smiled and said "sounds fun, and looks like you got sun"
Then as I walked away she says "I hope your wet shorts mean you had watering hole fun"
Shocked she knew what I had done I felt like I had taken a few stomach blows
And from that day on I kept in my mind, no matter what I do.....MAMA KNOWS!!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Long Distance Love

Our smiles used to light up a room
Our laughter was contagious
Our hearts were the envy of every passing soul
Our Love was unconditional and very much true
Our bodies were filled with passion in each others arms
Till the day I loved you too

As I walk along the clouds I watch your every move
As I fall like a shooting star its to get a closer look
As I water your garden with my tears I smile and the sun shines
As I crack my knuckles you shiver from the roar
As I blow you a kiss you shiver and hold your jacket tight
I walk alone along the clouds........As I remember your love

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Lower Education

I'm sitting today wondering about our educational system and all the problems we seem to be having as a whole. what is it that's killing our education? I believe that one of the biggest problems is the lack of education for our teachers. do you know that anyone can be a teacher now without having an actual degree in education? If you hold a degree in ANYTHING then you can challenge the teacher certification exam and if you pass....YOU CAN TEACH. I think that all the shortcuts we see our kids trying to get by with are only a product of our society. Many, many teachers are doing the same thing. I spend a lot of hours educating myself to become a productive teacher so the students are getting a quality education as I did. Why is it that our society has fallen behind so much to other countries........WORK! we don't want to do it, but be want the benefits of it all.

What about our parents, i mean OUR parents! many of us have uneducated parents that were smart enough to make sure we had an education. Smart enough to bust our asses when we weren't at school for the education that was provided. Smart enough to trust the teachers, and administrators in the education of us. Now a days we have parents that are quick to gather a lynch mob to get rid of a teacher if their kid is not getting good grades. Never mind the fact that they cant read, cant spell, cant focus because they have some add, adhd, lmnop, or some other thing that has letter to ID it. Never mind the fact that the skills these kids need in order to "problem solve", the parents have taken that away from them because they FIX all their problems. In any type of network of people in command or control there is always a chain of command from Military to the wal-mart corporation. NOT in education, if there is a problem with their kids then they don't ask the kids, the teachers, the parents head straight to the principals or higher(if they know them). Why is it that in a society built on structure it is ok for us to disregard these steps. Why is it ok now for the parents to get everything they want regardless if the stress of job insecurities are causing teachers to quit, retire early, or to have nervous breakdowns. Whens the last time a teacher called their boss and said "your employee is harassing me at work, please proved them with extra work so they are too busy to make it home to their family"

We are falling behind as a society and our melting pot has quickly become a national dump site for all the other countries that don't want their trash!!

Friday, October 22, 2010


random thoughts overtake my hands
blistering temperatures peel my eyes
does your back feel my breath?
does your neck taste my anger
another arrow piercing my arteries
another sorrow making me smile
which time would you like to forget?
which one would you like to inspect
was it the one with the open mouth
or the one that loved to go south
either way passion spills over like a penny cup
and then its limbo for you and your stuck.......

Thursday, October 21, 2010

A boy is the only thing God can use to make a Man (a plaque given to me by my mother)

All her life shes been a humble woman
Someone you could always count on
Someone you could always trust
From time to time she gets angry and frustrated
But mostly she a very loving woman
Her emotions for my and my sisters things were never left for questioning
We knew exactly how proud she was and still is of us
Going to any link to show her support
She's given us everything she could possibly give
Even those times she had nothing to give, she came up with something
A simple letter, card, or even a note that said "I wanted to send you something special, but how do you send a HUG"
So as I get older, she gets older, we get older she keeps giving all shes got
Even on days when its not a lot
A smile, or even just a phone call to say hello how are you and the others
From the bottom of my heart I say "thank you, and I love you, you are the greatest MOTHER!"