Friday, March 28, 2008

Who Am I

Green light go
Yellow light slow
Who's running this overwhelming show

Are we just on someones string
do they coin the jukebox so we sing

I've got the scissors help me grab the rope
Because I'm no ones dope

I run free in my fields of wood
With my feet squeaking oh so good

Going for 1, 2 or 3
Everyones looking at, yep me

What's he thinking, what's he doing now
Be patient and I will show you how

To get into my head with the slighest clues
But if your not alert......yes you lose

I'm here for the show
And every day I grow

Grow into what you see tomorrow
With a box full of sorrow

I keep it locked for my sake
HEY this is name is JAKE!


RC said...

Sounds like hip hop.Is that how you read it?

Jake said...

HaHa didn't read it like that. but now that you say.......