Monday, March 31, 2008

Dismember Your Soul

Dismember yourself becasue its time
Living this way is a crime
Devour your inner thoughts with one big bite
He's not leaving without a fight
Kicking and screaming its time to go
There's no encore left for this lifeless show
Stand tall and say no way
Don't come back today, tomorrow or any other day
My spirits embrasing me like a glowing armor of life
So don't bother me, my children, or my wife
Your kind isn't welcome here ever
And dont even try your manipulation, you're not that clever
Away I'm casting you and all your glory
So go brag to your worthless friends and makeup yet another pointless story
A story about how you won and are the king
But we all know your efforts stink, like your dirty ass ring

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Ritch Bitch

Shoes for sale 50% off
Patrons shuffle through them like a pig in a troff
Shopping because your bored or rich
Being snotty, well hell yes your a bitch
Money is all you have and need
So inside you feel a gap
Like life has you in a trap
As you struggle to get out
Its like your weak with no clout
So one day you realize love is missing
As you see the happiest homeless couple kissing
They embrace each other tight
And hold on with all their might
As poor as can be
But happy with NO money
And as Mrs. Rich watches with envy
she thinks "money has made me, like my wallet is now.........empty!"

Friday, March 28, 2008

Who Am I

Green light go
Yellow light slow
Who's running this overwhelming show

Are we just on someones string
do they coin the jukebox so we sing

I've got the scissors help me grab the rope
Because I'm no ones dope

I run free in my fields of wood
With my feet squeaking oh so good

Going for 1, 2 or 3
Everyones looking at, yep me

What's he thinking, what's he doing now
Be patient and I will show you how

To get into my head with the slighest clues
But if your not alert......yes you lose

I'm here for the show
And every day I grow

Grow into what you see tomorrow
With a box full of sorrow

I keep it locked for my sake
HEY this is name is JAKE!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Tacos Y Borritos

Tacos y burritos
Low riders y gritos
Yes we are chicano
Pero no me dices "ya no!"
So what if we say shair
And "thats fucked up bro" instead of "it's not fair"
We will always have barrios and respect for our abuelitas
And most mexicans have dated gorditas
Our culture is all over
And we name our dogs Vevito not Rover
Our Gremlin on the lawn is on blocks
And our "old ladies" have fake golden locks
We are chicano and PROUD
So watch your toes as the Low Rider amazes the crowd

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Nothing up my Sleeve

My life is simple
As correcting as a teenage pimple
I work my hours and collect my chips
Amusing my students with David Blane Tricks
Nothing up my sleeve or in my pocket
Nothing behind my ear, shoot not even a wocket
My trick is to fool them into getting educated
All while they converse with each other, very dedicated
Groups, or individuals their minds are filled with my whisperings in the back
Even a magic wave string I use in a lab, saying "give it a little slack"
Illusionist of a bright future they are amazed they passed the test
Scratching their heads but interested on how I'm gonna teach the rest
So the bell rings and I say "new show same time tomorrow"
They moan and walk out with a little sorrow
I put on my show every day week to week
Also like Chris Angel, I too am a "mind freak"


Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Tasted Mind

In your mind I am the protector
In your mind You are everything
In our mind WE are together
Spill your mind on the floor
Lets watch what squirms out
Will it flop or will it march away
Can we stomp it out and forget
Or will it just leave a stain
Another stain for me to clean up
Another drain for me to ruin
Or is it just another chapter of me?

Monday, March 10, 2008

Pursuit of Happiness

Why is it that our society has become a half ass driven society
When we are asked to do something we want to find a way that it can be done with as little effort as possible, but with all the FULL benefits. We as parents have forgotten the value of teaching our children to expect great things from themselves. NOT to expect great things only if they can be given to you with no work. So here we go arguing with teachers, principals, and any other authority figure that is “asking” our child to work a little harder. Is it the fact that we feel like no one should be held to a higher standard in this country or is it that we have become so accustomed to a sedentary lifestyle that what we need should be as fast food and effortless as the McDonald’s drive through. When we stopped telling our children NO and allowed them to treat us as their “friends” was when we as parents went wrong. So now no one is willing to try holding everyone accountable for his or her actions or their lack of actions. Instead we are so FIRED UP to put blame on anyone that’s causing a barrier that we have completely lost sight of the importance of “the pursuit of happiness”………………its YOUR pursuit NOT those that have pursued it for you and HANDED IT OVER!!