Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Are You Willing to Answer

Can you smile a rainy day away
Can you dream yourself into another world
Can you caress the passion of love
Can you make a rainbow from a drop of dew
Can you turn a cloud into anything
Can you hold me tight and feel my pain
Can you bring something to a table that doesn't exist
Can you figure me out with just one kiss
Can you fight the urge to make love
Can you accept your hearts worst desire
Can you willingly break me
Can you take what you can and can what you take
Can you not walk away and say no
Can you????????????????

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Whispering Hearts

After all this time our hearts still talk
Whispering the sweet sounds of nothing
Laughing till our stomachs hurt
Laughing till our eyes water

After all this time our hearts still talk
Expressing the little things we like
Sharing another moment in time that no one can fill
Feeling the warmth as if no winters have ever existed in our absence

After all this time our hearts still talk
Outsiders wonder why
Strangers don't understand
And with every beat the translation is clear
Because the only language our heart knows is........US

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Can I be the man you need me to be?
Can I earn your trust from everything you see?
If I plant the seeds of life will you become a better man?
If I educate you as well as my students will you be all you can?
When you ask questions will I have the answers you need?
When you beg for something will you understand I don't say no out of greed?
How will you know I can't live without you?
How will you understand that all I say is true?
Why did life seem so hard before you showed up for me?
Can? If? When? How? Why???? Challenges that are overcome by my love for you, my Dilly!!