Friday, February 29, 2008

International Weapon

International weapon but los chicanos dont use it
Its got sharp skin piercing edges
This weapon comes in many shapes and sizes
I say this, vatos you can even carry them around in public
Pero don't be ashamed becasue the barrio seems to not want them
Hold your head up proud, HEY they come in chicano brown too
This weapon can be used to knock someone out or even put them to sleep
Its so powerful that it can even be used to scare someone over the phone
Look around these weapons of mass distruction are everywhere
All you gotta do is want them, pos...tienes los ganas?
Are you proud enough to use this international weapon
I know many are and for many years I've used it
And you too can be a bad vato con tu LIBRO tambien!!!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Higher Learning

We strive to be smarter in any way we can
But what do we really want to achieve
A paper that says you should be called Doctor
Or just enough knowledge to say Im smarter
Knowledge is a dangerous thing they say
It can destroy faster that it will build
Some use their knowledge for good
Some use their knowledge for bad
Street Smarts to Book Nerds
Bio Chemist to Meth Lab Cooks
Who's to say what higher education is.........TO SURVIVE

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Music take you to a safe place
Music takes you to a car race
Music can make you smile
Music can make you cry for a while
Music helps you through rough times
Music is sometimes filled with crazy rhymes
Music, what a wonderful thing
Music, invented for the world to dance and sing

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Evelyn My Beautiful Niece

She stares at the beach and an
endless array of things fill her mind.

Look at the colors, birds, or
maybe we are very high.

Like a timeless stretch of
ocean her dreams are big.

Like the impact she made in my
life, she too shall do for the world.

Bringing frowns to smiles, worries to ease.

She stares out into the ocean and enjoys it.

I stare at her, and like wise...enjoy it!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Like the ocean
Like the motion
The colors so vivid and bright
Such a beautiful sight
Clashing with the horizon
Sinking into the earth is the bright sun
Causing an explosion of colors
You and I enjoying it as lovers

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Rivalry Week

Basketball is king in chapel hill
When UNC beats duke the fans will spill
Onto the court to celebrate another victory
Making it 4 wins in recent history
Tyler will do what he can to dominate
To seal duke's dean dome fate
Ellington will rain his 3's in thier face
Those dookies cant keep up with UNC's pace
Up and down they will push the ball
And if Henderson's in the way
they will slam him into the damn WALL
Blood, guts and glory
Every year its a new amazing story
This blue blood fight will be awesome
And a UNC win is what we want, even if its by a mere ONE


Monday, February 4, 2008


Friday night lights
Saturday night fights
Weekends come and weekends go
Games are played but I suck and you know
Laughing with the guys
As I tease them, “no more cries”
Cries because I’m draining a three
They try but can’t get the ball from me
Another lay-up or bank shot
I may be older but I give them all I’ve got
Weekends come and weekends go
Every time I look into Sabrina’s eyes I wish she’d never grow
Looking at her I see my world
I reflect on the days she was a baby, and I’d lift her and give her a twirl
Watching her grow is a joy
From out of diapers to her liking a boy???
We never take the time from our busy life
To just sit back and wonder is it really gonna be alright

Friday, February 1, 2008


Takes you to a safe place
Takes you to a car race
Can make you smile
Can make you cry for a while
Helps you through rough times
Is sometimes filled with crazy rhymes
Music, what a wonderful thing
Music, invented for the world to dance and sing